Filesmart Tax
All About Higher Education Tax Credits
All About Higher Education Tax Credits
College can be extremely expensive. However, while you're spending thousands each year for your degree, you can take some solace...
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All About Schedule C
All About Schedule C
First of all, cheers to you for stepping into the self-employment world! It's a great journey filled with freedom, creativity,...
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How To File A Tax Extension (And Why You Might Want To)
How to File a Tax Extension (and why you might want to)
Filing a tax extension gives you extra time to file your income taxes if you aren’t able to meet the...
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The States With The Most Tax Procrastinators
The States with the Most Tax Procrastinators (and other tax facts)
Are you one of those people who wait until the last minute to file your taxes? Ever wonder if you...
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How Do I File a Tax Extension
How Do I File a Tax Extension?
As the April 18 th tax deadline quickly approaches, taxpayers begin to realize that they are running out of time...
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How Do Quarterly Tax Payments Work
How Do Quarterly Tax Payments Work?
Have you ever received a payment without the taxes being taken out beforehand? If you are a self-employed or an...
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