Hello there, intrepid entrepreneurs, bootstrapping businesses, and fearless captains of commerce! Gather 'round as we dive headfirst into the thrilling, slightly terrifying, and occasionally confusing world of common business expenses.

Running a business can sometimes feel like owning an elephant. It's impressive and can do some amazing things, but boy, can it chew through your cash. That's where understanding business expenses comes into play. It's not just important; it's a lifeline for your entrepreneurial journey.

Enter FileSmart. We're here to clear up the confusion and guide you through the maze of your business costs. So, let's get down to business and shed some light on the often-overlooked part of running a business: common business expenses. Ready to make sense of your cents? Let's go!

1. Office Expenses (aka: The Pen Is Mightier Than The Budget)

Whether your office is a sprawling corporate campus or a cozy corner of your living room, there are costs involved. We're talking about pens, paper, computers, and yes, that fancy ergonomic chair you've been eyeing. Coffee for the breakroom? Yep, that's a tax-deductible business expense, too.

These office expenses are necessary for day-to-day operations, and they're tax-deductible. But remember, buying a Lamborghini as a 'company car' might raise a few eyebrows at the IRS - just saying.

2. Utilities (or: 'Keeping the Lights On')

Without electricity, your business might resemble a medieval dungeon, and without the internet, well, it's like trying to catch fish without water. Utilities, like electricity, water, gas, and internet services, are another standard business expense.

However, for home-based businesses, only the portion of the utilities used for business is deductible. So, unfortunately, you can't write off your teenager's 3-hour showers as a business expense.

3. Rent (or: ‘Home Sweet… Office?)

Paying for physical space is another common business expense. Whether you're renting a commercial building or a coworking space, these costs are fully deductible. If you're running a business from home, you may qualify for the home office deduction.

But before you get too excited, understand that your 'office' can't double as your kitchen –  unless, of course, you're running a bakery from your oven.

4. Salaries and Benefits (aka: ‘The Cost of Good Help’)

If you're a solo operation, this might not be a concern just yet. But once you start hiring employees or contractors, their pay and benefits become a common business expense. This includes salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, and sick leave. Even if you're paying them in peanuts (please don't), it's still a business expense.

5. Professional Services (or: ‘When You Need to Phone a Friend’)

Need a lawyer to look over a contract? An accountant to make sense of the jumble of receipts you've been saving? Or maybe a graphic designer to make your business cards look less like a third-grade art project?

This is precisely where FileSmart can help make your life so much easier. With monthly access to tax professionals at a fraction of the cost of hiring a CPA, we can help you navigate all of your common business expenses. And the best part? The cost of our services can be claimed as a business expense, if you use our tax experts for your business-related questions. Talk about a win-win.

6. Advertising and Marketing (aka: 'Shouting From the Rooftops')

Whether you're launching a full-scale ad campaign or printing flyers to stick under windshields, promoting your business costs money. The good news is that these costs are fully deductible. Even that branded coffee mug you're sipping from right now counts.

So go ahead, plaster your logo on everything. It's all in the name of advertising.

7. Travel (or: 'Have Business, Will Travel')

Sometimes business takes you on the road (or in the air or across the sea). Travel expenses like airfare, hotels, car rentals, and most meals are all deductible – but only for business trips. Sadly, the family vacation to Disney World doesn't count, even if you do check your emails while waiting in line for Space Mountain.

8. Insurance (aka: 'Protecting Your Assets')

When you run a business, stuff happens – sometimes bad stuff. That's why there's insurance. The premiums you pay for coverage – be it liability, property, health, or even malpractice – are all part of doing business. And, they're deductible. It's like a security blanket for your bank account.

9. Training and Education (or: 'Work Smarter, Not Harder')

Ever thought you could get a tax deduction from hitting the books? Well, get ready to smile because the costs incurred to keep you and your staff educated are indeed deductible business expenses. With FileSmart, you gain access to tax courses that are not just enriching your knowledge but are also deductible if used for your business. Score!

In Closing

There we have it – a lively stroll through the realm of common business expenses. It's not always glamorous, but it's certainly important. Remember, when running a business, understanding these expenses is as vital as your morning cup of coffee.

FileSmart is dedicated to supporting you in this journey, breaking down the complexities of business expenses and making them digestible. So, keep doing what you do best, entrepreneurs. You're not just surviving in the business world, you're thriving.

With FileSmart at your side, you're always prepared. Here's to your continued success. Keep making sense of your cents, and the dollars will follow.

What people are saying about FileSmart

Levi C


I got approved within a couple days for my tax extension filing through these guys and they responded to my email the same day. Great customer service and fast results. Give them a shot.


Great Service!!

This is the second year that I used this service. Each time, the process was quick, easy and efficient. I will definitely be using this service in the future and will recommend it to friends and family.


Fantastic Site!!

The process was so easy. I processed this extension in a matter of minutes! For you last minute filers out there, come here. It'll help you end your long day in peace!